Nurture your inner joyseeker.

Connecting you with me



What are you looking for?

Let’s have a conversation — introduce me to your goals and aspirations, and we’ll get started making them a reality.


Personalized suggestions.

I’ll share my ideas as to what “plan of attack” will be most helpful and empowering for you to achieve your goals.


Schedule a consultation.

Schedule a free in-person or online consultation with me — I can’t wait to begin this exciting new journey with you!

“I believe that the arts shall save us all.

The universal power of art – to heal the spirit and find shared experience to bridge whatever divides us – has never failed to renew my hope for our future. By making art together, we can mend the tears in the fabric of humanity and build a better world for tomorrow.

I have lived my life by this credo. It works.”



I have no previous musical experience. Can I begin voice lessons anyway?

Yes, of course you can! I begin teaching all levels of experience from the same basic, fundamental techniques, and will meet you wherever you are — we’ll build from there.

I’m not a dancer and am not in great shape anymore … will ELLOVÉ be too difficult for me?

No! The ELLOVÉ Technique is intended to be modified to suit the needs and skill levels of every body. All of the exercises have built-in layers of difficulty, which can be as gentle or challenging as you require.

I’m thinking about majoring in musical theatre, but the audition requirements are scary — can you guide me through them?

Yes — been there, done that! With more than 40 years of auditioning as a professional, and having shepherded many of my young students through the same process, I can demystify the “nitty gritty” and remove your anxieties to customize an audition that will throw the spotlight on all of your unique gifts.

Let me help you unlock your creativity to spark your joy.